September 10, 2020

Idaho Supreme Court hearing on Monday 9/14 at 10: 00 a.m. in lawsuit to disclose public records regarding lethal injection drugs

BOISE – On Monday, September 14, 2020, the Idaho Supreme Court will hear arguments in Cover v. Idaho Board of Correction, a lawsuit filed in February 2018 against the Idaho Board and Department of Correction over those agencies’ refusal to disclose public records regarding the lethal injection drugs it used in state executions. The lawsuit was brought by law professor and death penalty scholar Aliza Cover, represented by the ACLU of Idaho. 

Ritchie Eppink, the ACLU of Idaho’s Legal Director, will argue the case on behalf of Professor Cover.

In a similar case, the Nebraska Supreme Court ruled in May 2020 that prison officials in that state must disclose records about the source of drugs used in a 2018 execution, Nebraska’s first by lethal injection. Following the ruling, the records revealed that Nebraska may have executed Carey Dean Moore in August of 2018 using drugs supplied by a pharmacy in violation of pharmaceutical companies’ distribution policies.