The ACLU of Idaho’s Legal Department files lawsuits in federal and state courts throughout the state. We rely on Idahoans to report civil liberties violations when they happen so that the Legal Department can identify major threats to freedom in Idaho and respond with action to vindicate fundamental rights. The legal talent of pro bono cooperating attorneys is crucial to our success in the courts.[button link="/our-work/in-the-courts/" bg_color="#024073" border="#165788" window="yes"]Learn More »[/button]
The American Civil Liberties Union of Idaho works with members of the legislature-both state and federal-to advocate for legislation that will protect and strengthen our civil liberties. We lobby the legislature, analyze proposed bills, draft and present testimony, contact legislative offices, and stimulate grassroots contact with legislators. Among many other civil liberties issues, our legislative work includes reproductive rights, LGBT equality, immigrant rights, religious freedom, privacy, free speech, non-discrimination, and criminal justice.[button link="/our-work/in-the-legislature/" bg_color="#024073" border="#165788" window="yes"]Learn More »[/button]
The ACLU of Idaho, through its public education program, works out in communities across the state ensuring that all Idahoans are educated and informed about their civil rights. We believe that it is important for the community to know which civil liberties issues affect them locally, and how they can become involved to create change. We are able to reach out to Idahoans through a variety of means which include hosting educational events such as brown bag luncheons or evening presentations; speaking at rallies; visiting local schools and organizations to answer questions about individual rights; and attending various community festivals.[button link="/our-work/in-the-community/" bg_color="#024073" border="#165788" window="yes"]Learn More »[/button]
Watch videos from our library to learn more about our work on a variety of issues.[button link="/our-work/video-library/" bg_color="#024073" border="#165788" window="yes"]Watch »[/button]