Idaho Gives is a statewide, 24-hour giving day put on by the Idaho Nonprofit Center that takes place on May 3rd, 2018 and it’s all online! Every year people across our state come together to support Idaho nonprofits. This year we'd love to have your support.
Identify as LGBTQ? We're working in the statehouse to support you. Adult with developmental or intellectual disability? We sued to protect your liberties. Immigrant or refugee? We are traveling statewide and ramping up our community outreach efforts to make sure you are represented and educated on your rights. Care about the freedom of press, speech, assembly, and religion, and the rights to due process, equal protection and privacy? We believe these rights are fundamental to a free people. Care about voting rights? We've put together a wealth of voting rights and procedures information to make sure you are fully prepared to exercise your rights at the polls. We work to protect women's rights, prisoners' rights, student's rights and many more. We are fighting in the courts, community and in the legislature, each and every day to make Idaho better. We are here to protect freedom... why? Because freedom can't protect itself.
We share a vision for a better community across Idaho. A state where we can marry whom we love; where we can worship, speak, and dissent openly and without government surveillance. A place where our prisons are not warehouses for people of color and those with mental disabilities. It is time for us to take a stand against injustice. That is why, we need you to make a donation to the ACLU of Idaho for Idaho Gives. Now, more than ever, it is crucial we are defending our liberties. Show your dissent and donate on May 3, 2018.
Donate today through GiveGab on Idaho Gives!
*Donation link will go live at 12:00 AM MST on May 3, 2018.