Today’s Supreme Court decision is shameful and inhumane. We take a moment to grieve, to express anger, to build solidarity with communities most impacted across the country: communities of color, immigrants, LGBTQIA+ communities, young people and people struggling to make ends meet—who once again will face the brunt of this terrible decision.
We make no mistake about where we are during this historic moment. A fundamental right has been taken away. Personal freedom, autonomy, privacy, and dignity have been placed in jeopardy and no person should ever have to live in a second-class status. Ever.
In this moment in history, we will stand firm again. We will raise our heads, our hearts, and spirits. We grieve today, but we will rise tomorrow with even more conviction. This is a long fight and we’re in it for the long road. Our guiding star is to regain our freedom and autonomy. These attacks won’t stop with abortion. The same politicians seeking to control the bodies of pregnant people are restricting access to birth control, gender-affirming care, and voting rights. These are rights we have won over decades of collective action. Neither the Supreme Court nor any politician will take our dignity away; history is on our side. We're committed to using the full force of our organization to fight these assaults on our civil rights in the courts, in the statehouse, in the streets, and at the ballot box. We will work for as long as it takes.
This is not the end. We will continue fighting hand-in-hand in community.
With you all in struggle and solidarity,
Leo Morales
Executive Director